
▶ Life Stripe Exhibition 来場者の感想(イタリア・ミラノ)

本当に素敵! コンセプトがはっきりしているところが気に入った。(サローネの写真を集めて展覧会をしたいと考えている女性)
どうして日本人は寝ないで仕事できるの? 不思議だなぁ。日本に行ったらタクシーに乗って聞いてみよう。(近々、日本に行く予定の男性)
デザイナーはどんな人なの? 興味がわきました。

自分は精神的に問題を抱えている人たちを助ける仕事をしているのだけれど、彼らにとって、Life Stripeがどんな効果があるのか、ぜひもっと研究を続けてほしい。
ストライブというのはデザインとしては無機質になりやすいし、冷たい感覚も ある。しかし、Life Stripeの作品にはあたたかみが感じられる。人生を表現しているからなのか・・・不思議だ。


Each person has a different life; each person has a different color. I think this is what’s so great about life, what makes it fun. These artworks made me reflect a bit about what is important in our lives.
I would like to see this project being promoted in many other different places. It might be good to implement them in places like hospitals. Patients also have their own lives, but places like hospitals have no color, and sometimes they don’t even look alive. I’m pretty sure that if they knew about the many lives that are there, it would give them greater courage to carry on living.
Truly beautiful! I loved the fact that the concept of the artwork was very clear. (A lady who would like to hold an exhibition with a collection of Salone photographs)
Why is it that Japanese people can work without sleeping? It’s so strange. When I go to Japan, I will get in a taxi and ask the driver. (A man who is planning to travel to Japan soon)
In my job, I work with animals. This exhibition made me reflect once more on the lives that animals lead and how they should spend their lives every day. It was a very interesting exhibition. (A lady that works in animal protection)
I was moved by the story of a father and his child. I tend to like works of art even more when I know the story behind them. I read it all very carefully.
If my dad were to create one of these works, what kind of day would he choose? I liked the one laid out in the shape of a heart. This artwork really showed how Italian people treasure the concept of amore, so I felt that it had great credibility. Japanese people really like to work, don’t they? (laugh)

“If you drew one day in your life, you’d definitely have very little pink (dates). You should try harder!” “Don’t say that!” (Mother and daughter)
Japanese people are so clever. The concept was very clear and solid.
It really made me want to draw my life.
Are you not planning to make some form of academic announcement? If it has some spiritual application then I’d like to know more.
I am interested to find out what research they used to decide on the meaning of colors.
What type of people are designers? It made me wonder.
(Looking at one Life Stripe) “This person just sleeps and sleeps. Looks just like you.” “Sleep a lot, work a little. Just like you in that even then he’s able to produce results (laugh).” (Friends visiting the exhibition)
This is the first time I have seen artwork about 24 hours.
It never even occurred to me that my life may have colors. Thinking of life that way might actually change something.
There are bad things and things that we dislike. If we replace them with colors then they will change. This exhibition made me feel that I could take anything on.
Although I have seen colors have meaning in the world of movies, I have never encountered the idea of assigning colors to actions in order to give them meaning. It’s amazing. The music was also perfect for the exhibition. I’d very much like this project to continue.
Eyes, ears, nose. I could feel with all my five senses. It was just amazing!
I don’t know how they chose the colors but I somehow felt happy with them.
It all looked very new. I liked it.
No two lives are the same, everyone is different. That’s just amazing, isn’t it?
My job is to help people with mental issues. I wonder what effect Life Stripe could have on them. It would be great if research could be continued on this project.
In terms of design, Strive has a tendency to look inorganic and it also seems a bit cold. However, the artwork in Life Stripe has a certain warmth. Maybe it’s because they represent people’s lives… It’s so amazing.
I love the design, and I would love it even if I didn’t know what the project was about.

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